Peacocks…. Aren’t they beautiful? We have neighbors that raise them. At the moment one of the females has several babies following along behind. She is such a good mommy. They grow up quickly…but they are such fun to watch.
They have the run of the entire place in a fenced in yard. Perfect surroundings to live in. Over the past few mornings we have awoken to several of them visiting our backyard. Though we enjoy them being here I always chase them back to their own home so they won’t get out by the road and get hit by a car. All I have to do is clap my hands and they scurry back to their own home……. They take flight for only a moment to get over the fence.
Peafowl is the term used for peacocks and peahens, they are members of the pheasant family. Most people use the term peacock incorrectly, The peacock is actually only the male bird… and the female is call a peahen, the babies are called peachicks. It is sort of like chickens, the male is referred to as the rooster or cock and the female is known as the hen.. and of course their babies are chicks.
Breeding or mating season is such a display. The male will show off his beautiful body to attract the very best mate possible. Below is a video of the male as well as the female showing off.
You really don’t need a whole lot of space to raise peafowl but you do need some. These magnificent creatures needs space to not only show off their beautiful plumage but also to strut their stuff.
I am sure that you have heard the term.. ” Proud as a Peacock”…… Just watching these beautiful birds for a few minutes you will know exactly what that term means. The peacock is the National bird of India.
If you are interested in raising peafowl I can highly recommend this wonderful eBook called
How To Keep Peafowls, Peacocks And Peahens
Discover How To Keep, Care For, Raise And Breed Peafowls, Peacocks And Peahens For Your Own Pleasure. How To Keep Peafowls, Peacocks And Peahens Complete Owner’s Guide Is A Comprehensive Guide To Help Any Bird Fancier To Owning Their First Peacock.
Here’s a peak at what is inside the book!
Common questions people have about peacocks and keeping them.
It’s full of up to date and sound advice and answers to all your questions – including some you didn’t even know you had! Common questions people have about peacocks and keeping them
Do peacocks make good pets? Yes they do!
How long to peacocks live? You’ll be surprised at the answer.
What are the different varieties of peacocks? Yes, they are outlined in the book.
How many feathers are in a peacock’s tail?
How long does a peacock’s train of tail feathers get?
How easy is it to care for a peacock? Easy Peacock care is covered in the book.
What size yard do I need to keep a peacock?
How to chose a peacock and where to buy them. Read bout this in the book.
What is the best breed to buy? Indian Blue Peafowl, Blue Peafowl or India
Peafowl, Green Peafowl, Burmese Green, Indo-Chinese Green, Java Green, Spaulding, Pied (color mutation colored feathers with white), Silver Pied, Cameo, Purple, Buford Bronze, Opal, Charcoal, Peach, Midnight, Pure White and many other varieties and types.
Do I buy and adult peacock or chicks? Find out which is best for you.
How do I know if a breeder of peacocks is selling me a healthy bird and what else do I look for when buying chicks and adult birds? This is all described in detail.
What permits and housing do I need for my peacock? Listed in the book.
What do I use to make a pen for my peacocks? Read how to build a pen inside the book.
Does my peacock need a roost? And how do I build one? Find out how to build a simple to construct peacock roost too.
What do I need to bring my peacock home? Simple travel tips for your peacock after you purchase it in order to safely bring it home to your yard.
In depth care and feeding of your peacock is covered.
Do I need to clip the wings of my peacock? Find out how to do it too.
Read about proper worming, vaccinations and how to give oral medication.
Simple directions on how to give a peacock an injection.
Diseases and their treatments are covered in detail in the book. In depth descriptions and proper care and quarantine.
Proper care and feeding of your peacock is all covered in detail.
Care and feeding of pea chicks. Read about how to take care of chicks too.
Peafowls as pets, find out how to socialize your peacock.
Nesting and breeding and care of eggs for incubation recommendations.
Benefits of owning a peacock include: they are beautiful, quiet, easy-to-care-for, inexpensive to feed and will alert you to intruders!
Can I make money raising peacocks? Yes, peacock raising can be profitable.
- This book is very well written and extremely informative. Read more about how to raise and breed peacocks for profit inside the book! Click link below to read even more about it.
How To Keep Peafowls, Peacocks And Peahens
Discover How To Keep, Care For, Raise And Breed Peafowls, Peacocks And Peahens For Your Own Pleasure. How To Keep Peafowls, Peacocks And Peahens Complete Owner’s Guide Is A Comprehensive Guide To Help Any Bird Fancier To Owning Their First Peacock.
The post How To Keep Peafowls, Peacocks And Peahens appeared first on You Can Eat My DIRT.